Wednesday, August 3, 2011

You're gunna die clown

I have been told by people who have been reading these that it's showing a more serious side of me which I like. I dont always want to be known as this funny guy who can't be serious. 

Onto the topic du jour. To a lot of people money is the root of happiness. Now while I do think money is important I would take less money to be happier than a rich person who is miserable. Maybe that's because I grew up not happy a lot of the time or with money or maybe because I'm nuts who knows. My dream in life is to be able to provide for my family without having to live paycheck to paycheck. 

As a follow up to last nights entry the names I used are not the only friends I have just the ones that popped into my head while I was typing. 

Hope you all have a wonderful night and better morning. 

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