Sunday, September 11, 2011

No Intro Needed

Sitting in Ms. Schaeffers computer programming class learning about how to program in basic.  Thats where I was when I first learned about the WTC attacks.  It was fourth period and as I went to 5th period Mr. Vergari's class I was wondering if we were going to get out of school early, looking back on it I am a bit ashamed thats what was going through my head, as we learned we were going home from school I was asked to play hockey later that day.  I was so excited to play hockey for the rest of the day, when I got home I had learned about the 3rd building in the WTC complex to go down.  I had no idea how that one day those 4 planes would change the rest of my and our lives forever.  Now ten years later I wonder when will it happen again if it will happen again, in those ten years yes we found and killed both bin laden and saddam, but it will never be over I fear.  I can only hope that some day my children will look back at Sept 11th and never have to go through a similar tragedy, much like I am sure my grandparents hoped that their children would never have to go through another Pearl Harbor.  I have never been the most patrotic of people and those of you who know my stance on the term hero being thrown around will be suprised by this but those fire fighters who looked up at buildings that had just been hit and knew they were going to go down, but still went into that building are heros.

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